illustration • ideas • stories
The Curious Expedition 2 title image

created and produced by Maschinen-Mensch published by Thunderful Games art by Garen Ewing art director Johannes Kristmann

I was the principal concept artist and illustrator on this computer adventure game, which saw over 4000 hours of drawing resulting in over 100 environments, more than 200 characters, creatures and skins (plus separate hands, hairstyles and facial expressions), more than 50 equipment sprites, about 300 item icons, 70 dice images, about 100 or so map elements, plus a few extras such as clouds, cursors and textures.

game logos
The Paris World's Fair
character designs
Paris Bar environment
Peacock village
Ancient Tech machine
creatures and enemies - crocodile, giant crab, Ushi-Oni and ankylosaurus
The Avalon Club room
The Taishi Academy floating library
Lux Labs hall
Peacock tribe character sprites

Some screenshots from the game

While I was the artist for Curious Expedition 2 there was a talented creative team bringing it all to life. I created the characters so their different attributes could be animated (also their clothing, expressions and hair were interchangeable), and environments were drawn so different aspects could be swapped and inserted in various combinations. Lighting and special effects were largely the work of Laura Brosi, with animation from Katarina Czikorova and Philip Feller.

in-game screenshot - Peacock bath house
in-game screenshot - T-Rex pet
in-game screenshot - shipwreck in a bamboo jungle
in-game screenshot - Lux labs secret theatre
in-game screenshot - Nessie in the Higlands of Avalaon
in-game screenshot - back at the office in the Paris World's Fair
in-game screenshot - dire wolves attack
in-game screenshot - Tanuki animal shelter
in-game screenshot - the Director in her office

Curious Expedition 2 concept work

preliminary drawing for shipwreck
shipwreck in the jungle, pirate version
shipwreck in the jungle

Mole tribe concept sketches
Mole charcater type concept sketches

shrine concept sketch
trap room concept sketch
shrine room artwork
Tanuki animal shelter concept sketch
Salamander village concept sketch
Avalon Highlands shrine artwork
golden pyramids artwork

inventory item icons

Story Screens

Finally, here are some of the splash-screens I drew for the story cut-scenes..

Malin leads her ship into unchartered territory
a storm at sea
a mysterious island encountered
sailing into the sunset
Lux robot chameleon

awards and nomnations for Curious Expedition 2

Curious Expedition 2 game and artwork copyright Maschinen-Mensch 2022

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Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any queries or to ask for a quote.

Unless otherwise stated, all artwork, design and content © Garen Ewing 2024.
Please do not use content from this website without first obtaining permission.
The work shown on this site is for CV / portfolio purposes only and intends no other connection with any products shown.